Wednesday, May 6, 2020

International Criminal Law Essay Example

Essays on International Criminal Law Essay The paper "International Criminal Law" is a perfect example of an essay on law. The international criminal law prohibits some categories of conduct identified as grave atrocities and ensures that the perpetrators of criminals get accountable for their actions. The law principally covers matters relating to war crimes, genocide, aggression crimes, and crimes against humanity. It specifically deals with person subjects. The criminal law mostly includes the prohibitions addressed, and the penal sanctions for the violations of the prohibitions put in place by the different states (Schabas 7).   International Criminal Law came into being after World War 1. After the war, international crime tribunal envisaged the perpetrators of war crimes. For instance, the Treaty of Versailles designed in trying Wilhelm of Germany. The Second World War signified the international tribunal’s move to try not only crime wars but also crimes against humanities. As a subset of the International Law, International Criminal Law developed under the 1946 Statute, Article 38(1) of the Court of Justice. International law comprised of general principles of law, customary international law and the treaties (Bantekas and Nash 16). International criminal law developed to deliver justice to victims and to guide on the prosecution of serious crimes like crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes (Schabas 12). Individual Criminal Responsibility is the liability associated with individual violations of the application of the 1968 UN Convention and Common Article 3. The Hungarian courts applied international law in the prosecution of international offenses defined by the International Criminal Law. The three bodies are intertwined connected in advocating international human rights (Bantekas and Nash 27). The International Criminal Court is a permanent tribunal that prosecutes individuals for crimes against genocide, humanity, and war crimes. The court is significant in maintaining international justice and, therefore, gives authority to the bodies of international law on the treatment of individuals regarding humanitarian law and human rights. It covers jurisdiction only where the subject is a citizen of a state party or when a crime occurs in the country of a member state party (Schabas 37).

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